Change log for version 0.5.1
This version of Beets (0.5.1) has been built from the ground using the new Bootstrap 5 elements. The change log could have been gigantic so here are som of the most imortant changes listed. This version should be considered a completely new Beets and if the previous version had been something like 1.x, this would have been a 2.0 version!
- A lot of new documentation pages for components, helpers, layout and more.
- Added a new button style; .btn-alt-* which is a lighter version of the standrad .btn-*.
- Beets 0.5.1 is now built to be compatible with Bootstrap 5.
- Reworked the design of the Beets layout
- The .btn-alt* from version 0.4 is now called .btn-ghost-*.
Bug fixes
Since everything with Beets has been re-worked there has been a lot of bug fixes... Can't list them all here 'cause I don't know all of them. :)